My area of expertise is creating sustainable, scalable solutions to tackle large social challenges.

Thanks for coming to check out my blog.

First things first. Everything on this site is an expression of my personal knowledge and experience and is not related in any way to my current employer. This site exists because I believe that conversations around social justice are THE conversations we should be having. This is not a research program, or an academic-funded grant project. I'm a highly experienced Nurse Practitioner who's earned an MBA (finance) and a PhD (clinical nursing research) along my journey. I'm also an accomplished administrator who's worked in very large and very small organizations. I've successfully designed and started programs to address the needs of marginalized people living with HIV, experiencing homelessness, or both. Over the years, I have learned so much from my patients, and this site is a way to share their marginalized voices with a larger audience.

My perspective is grounded in Liberation Theology. Projects that I have led are notable for their focus on the agency and dignity of those being served, as well as the efficient use of organizational resources to meet program needs. I hope that you'll read more about my work and the ideas that guide me while you're here. Let me know what you think, as well. After all, the only way forward is on a path that includes all of us.

Other Resources

If you’re interested in learning more about my professional experiences and background serving people living with HIV and people experiencing homelessness, you can click here to view my resume.

I am available for speaking engagements, and this link will allow you to view my one-page biographical statement.

Here’s a link to a list of publications and recent presentations.